About Kabutan

Thank you for visiting Kabutan (kabutan.com).

Kabutan (kabutan.jp) is a stock market information platform that launched in Tokyo, Japan in October 2010. As a service providing information about Japanese and U.S. stocks in Japanese, it has become one of the most highly regarded platforms by the market and serves as a primary information source for many Japanese investors. We have also noticed significant traffic to kabutan.jp from outside Japan.

This led us to expand beyond operating just a Japanese-language site. We aim to become a resource that contributes to investors’ activities globally by providing market information in many of the world’s major languages.

With this vision, our team launched Kabutan.com on December 17, 2024. At launch, we have implemented only a small portion of our data and tools. However, we intend to achieve the same level of service on kabutan.com that kabutan.jp has established in Japan. Through this expansion, we aim to provide value to our users worldwide.

We have much more in store for you.